Fallout 4-76 unique item clues SPOILER
If you want to find the Fallout 4-76 unique items, some additional insights to to help avoid frustration.
(1) Radiation toasted health foods are the foundation of a sceptred haven.
foundation [roots]
sceptred [island]
haven [sanctuary]
You have to actually READ the item for it to work, just like Perks and Plans in 76.
(2) Listen for the whispers that deliver a never ending pistol.
whispers [ Tommy ]
deliver [ er ]
(3) I AM LEGEND, where ferals have much to learn about quadrilaterals.
ferals [ where are there a bunch of them ]
much to learn [ type of learning institution ]
quadrilaterals [ is another other name for ]
This is a shameless lift from the book READY PLAYER ONE (no, not the dumb movie).
(4) This item may be lost in time, like tears in rain.
Is a movie quote*
With an Easter egg in the base game
(*) If you do not recognise this quote you should not be playing Fallout 4 /fact